Shakira is show star. Here is a list of her achievements
Achievements in National shows:
2004 Kladruby n. Labem | Winner 3 years-old mares, juniorchampion ; 8,14 points |
2005 Slatiňany | Winner 4 -years old mares, juniorchampion , Best in show; 8,67 points ( typ: 10) |
2006 Poděbrady | Winner 5-7 years old mares,National champion ; 9,00 points (typ and head 10) |
2010 Písek | Winner 8-11 years old mares, National champion ; Best in Show; 9,00 points ( typ and head 10 ) |
International succes
2010 Stadl Paura, Austria pfoto
Shakira conquered the Europe! No more she can not win. She became title European champion and Best in Show!

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